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The power of testimonials

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When companies want to show and prove the value of what they have to offer, why not let the customers do the talking?

Testimonials serves as a way to show off how others have benefited from the company’s service or product, making it a powerful tool for establishing trust and encouraging potential clients to take action.

WE MAKE MOVIES have good experience using customer interviews in testimonials produced for our clients.
By involving our client’s customers, the messages of the testimonials becomes clear and distinct and helps to increase the credibility of our client’s company. The interview with customers creates more value for the company than if the company itself is telling the story.

The videos we have posted below are some of the testimonials we have produced for our clients. Take a look at them and see how the two testimonials captures our clients business and their customer’s different stories.

Harbour House testimonial

We produced the following testimonial as part of a large awareness campaign of Danica Pension’s office building Harbour House. The testimonial is an interview with Energi Danmark Forvaltning’s CEO Kresten Therkildsen, telling about their experience of having their office at Harbour House. The testimonial captures both Energi Danmark Forvaltning’s own experience of being tenant in Harbour House and at the same time showing and telling about the various facilities Harbour House has to offer.

See the case here

Lautrupvang testimonial

The following testimonial was created for our client DATEA and Danica Pension. The film is an interview with their customer, Konica Minolta’s CEO Lars Wørzner and DATEA’s portfolio manager. The testimonial shows how clients of DATEA and Danica Pension can get new offices tailored to their specific needs. It gives an insight to both the company and their customers experience with the process.

See the case here

What other companies have done

The company ChowNow have used testimonials on their website to show and tell their customers stories and how their service has made a difference for their customers. By using these personal stories from their customers ChowNow gives a credible story and review of their company and service.

ChowNow testimonial


The company Xero use their testimonials to tell their customers personal stories and experience using Xero’s service. The testimonial provides valuable information on how Xero’s service have helped their customers and how easy their service is to use.


Testimonials are a powerful tool to build credibility and to show potential customers your company and what you have to offer.
WE MAKE MOVIES can provide the knowledge and skills to create a well crafted, beautiful and high-end testimonial with potential to generate new loyale customers. Take a look at some of our services or our cases.



Hvorfor ikke lade kunder fortælle om de positive oplevelser, de har haft i et samarbejde med virksomheden?

Testimonials er en effektiv måde at vise omverdenen, hvem virksomheden er og hvad den kan tilbyde. Samtidig er det et stærkt værktøj til at skabe tillid og grundlag for at genere salg. 

WE MAKE MOVIES har god erfaring med at benytte kundeinterview i flere af de testimonials, vi har produceret for vores kunder. Ved at benytte interviews øges troværdigheden, fordi det ikke er virksomhedens “stemme” der er i fokus. Dermed fremstår testimonials som mere oprigtige og upartiske beretninger om virksomheden, og fungerer som et stærkt værktøj, der kan tilskynde nye potentielle kunder til at tage kontakt til virksomheden. 

I ovenstående indlæg viser vi to eksempler på testimonials, vi har produceret. Begge testimonials har hver deres måde at anvende interview og fortælle sin historie på – det som begge testimonials har tilfælles er, at de bidrager med en dybdegående indsigt om virksomhederne, og den service de tilbyder deres kunder. 

Hvis du vil se flere af WE MAKE MOVIES produktioner, så klik her



New testimonial case

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We’ve just uploaded this new testimonial to our cases.

The testimonial is created together with DATEA and Danica Pension and shows their rental process and how they manage to meet their client Konica Minolta’s needs.

Konica Minolta’s CEO Lars Wørzner and DATEA’s portfolio manager Nicole Van der Star Byskov tells about their cooperation and how their new offices at Lautrupvang is tailored to meet Konica Minolta’s vision and identity.

Testimonials are just one of many different productions WE MAKE MOVIE creates. You can see our other interesting cases right here



Vi har netop uploadet denne testimonial case, vi har lavet for DATEA og Danica Pension.

Formålet med denne testimonial er at vise, hvordan DATEA og Danica Pension hånterer udlejningsprocessen, og formår at imødekomme deres kunde Konica Minoltaa behov med skræddersyede kontor, mødelokaler og showroom.

Filmen indeholder et interview Konica Minoltas direktør Lars Vossner, der fortæller om Konica Minoltas oplevelser omkring samarbejdet med DATEA og Danica Pension.
Testimonials er blot én ud af mange film, WE MAKE MOVIES producerer. Du kan se andre interessante cases her.

Conference & Expo

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Today WE MAKE MOVIES participated in the NORDIC UAS EVENT 2016 in Odense – both to promote our business, but also to test new technology.

It’s been an exciting day, which has given us lots of insight and inspiration for our productions. 

Nordic UAS Event is the largest Unmanned Aircraft Systems expo, conference and demo in Northern Europe gathering end-users and industry specialists from the Nordic countries and around the world. We have used the day talking with interesting people about the future use of drone in film production, and it has been very inspiring to explore the new technology in this field. 

WE MAKE MOVIES has been using drone in our productions a few years now – if you are curious how…please take a look at some of our drone creations right here.

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Idag deltog WE MAKE MOVIES i NORDIC UAS EVENT 2016 i Odense.

Det har været en spændende dag, hvor vi har fået masser af ny indsigt og inspiration til vores drone produktioner.
Vi har brugt droner i vores produktioner de sidste par år. Hvis du er interesseret i at se hvordan, så tag et kig på vores droneproduktioner her.

Building Relationships With Video

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Every marketer knows that just getting product exposure is hugely important. It’s a scientifically proven phenomenon. Psychologist Robert Zajonc was the first to demonstrate, in the lab, what he coined the familiarity principle: when people are repeatedly exposed to certain stimuli, they come to develop a preference for them.

Product placement is the primary avenue through which marketers have accessed the power of the familiarity principle, but we actually seem to be hitting a point of diminishing returns when it comes to its effectiveness. The problem is one of overexposure: now that we’re all constantly bombarded by images of products and advertisements, marketers need to do more to actually stand out.

That’s why it’s time to start thinking about cutting through the noise. You can’t just hide behind your product. You need to step up your familiarity principle game and get face-to-face exposure with the people that you want to reach without overstepping your bounds. The underlying psychological mechanism is still valid—you just have to access it properly.

Building a personal connection

Companies have found all kinds of ways to break through the noise and reach out to consumers on a personal level. General Mills, for example, appears to have taken advantage of the height of their target demographic when it comes to selling cereal. When a parent and their child are wandering down the cereal aisle, they’re bombarded from both sides by images of cheesy mascots beaming down at them.

A Cornell lab found that brand trust was 16% higher and brand connection was 28% higher when the Trix rabbit made eye contact, and though it sounds strange, participants in the study also indicated that it made the cereal taste better.

The same phenomenon, in fact, has been used to make Facebook ads more effective, in pop-up holistic health experiments, and to help public speakers connect with their audiences. Eye contact cuts through the noise and suggests trust, friendliness, and a sense of humanness. It’s a very powerful technique, but we can push even further into the realm of human connection if we take advantage of an even more powerful tool: video.

Scaling the personal connection with video

A lot of companies start out forging deep connections with their customers by doing things that don’t scale. Whether it’s handwriting thank you notes or calling to check up on their customers, some of the projects that startups take on to build this kind of human connection with their users cannot be sustained over the long term.

As companies grow, however, this personal connection always seems to be one of the first things to disappear. Not enough time. Not a high enough priority. Whatever.

The reason that handwritten notes are great is because they have that personal touch, but over time that personal touch is also what makes it nearly impossible to scale. You can’t spend hours a day writing little notes to your customers.

But videos also have that personal touch. Because of the depth of the medium, you can express the full range of human emotions, explain things in great clarity, and generally appeal to the viewer’s humanity. And, best of all, one video can speak to thousands of customers.

Stepping up your game

Scaling the emotional, human side of a business is difficult. If you try to craft a genuine relationship with your customers, you’ll often find that you have a hard time quantifying what you’re doing. Attribution models are not yet a total science. You rarely have any way of knowing whether a customer converted because of a phone call or a handwritten note or a personalized email.

Video changes that. With video, marketers can get a deep understanding of how the familiarity principle is playing into their conversion rates—it’s all in the metrics. From minutes watched to where viewers stopped watching to where they clicked through, these new tools can help marketers not only identify valuable leads, but also comprehend what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong.

Some companies are more up to speed on this technique than others, and they’re already seeing the benefits. Using a scalable method of creating human connections means not only finding the touchpoints that create converting customers, but understanding how it’s done and having the data to prove it.

Source: Kristen Craft, Wista.
Read the full article here

Launch of new website

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Welcome to the launch of WE MAKE MOVIES new website!

We are proud to introduce you to our new website where you can get to know us better,  follow our future work and see what we have done so far in various productions.

How did WE MAKE MOVIES come about?

Christian Gregersen, Founder and CEO of the advertising agency WEBOOST teamed up with the talented directors and photographers William Von Bülow and Émile Sadria.
Christian Gregersen created the production company WE MAKE MOVIES and since 2014 the team have created a vast number of films for advertising, corporate, animation and other integrated projects.

WE MAKE MOVIES have produced films for a wide range of customers such as DanicaPension, DriveNow, Baresso and MT Højgaard.

We will be happy to help you with your projects  – no matter the size, WE MAKE MOVIES tailor high quality films to meet your specific needs.